For the past two days my Anti-Virus has not been downloading its definations updates. Instead it's been prompt me that i have an "Invalid Update Control CTF File". I finally dug around and found the solution to the problem. Actually, this error could be easily fixed by rename or remove the CTF temp files.
Delete the .CTF files from the following folder
Windows XP, go to:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Avg8\update\download
Windwos Vista, go to:
There were two .CTF files (avginfoavi.ctf and avginfowin.ctf) in that folder, deleting them to fixed the problem indeed. After that, re-run the update. Don't delete all the .bin files in there unless you want to re-run all updates since your original installation (reinstallation seems to cause a problem in IEs Link Scanner which causes IE to Crash).
The Application Data folder is hidden by default. You need to enable Windows Explorer to show hidden files in order to view the Application Data folder. Alternately, type the above folder path in the Start > Run dialog and press ENTER to launch the folder.
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11 months ago